CBRN Resource Links

Resources Compiled by USAF Counterproliferation Center


Office of Domestic Preparedness (ODP) WMD Training Program
ODP, under Department of Homeland Security, provides free training to state and local responders. Courses can be attended by military on a space-available basis. Courses are free.

Texas Engineering Extension Service
The National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (NERRTC) offers customized Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)/Terrorism training and exercises.

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USARMICD)
Offers multiple courses (in-resident, computer based, and on-line) on NBC response.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
NIOSH’s Emergency Responder training program.

Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) Global Medical Support
Offers training $ on-line Emergency Medical Preparedness & Response course (great CBRNE info for responders). Web-Based Training link. Requires a login and password for access.

The NBC Medical Defense Information Server
Outstanding link to multiple training courses and references. Highly recommend looking at the two links under “training” (select from bar at top of page) to look at video resources and NBC training courses. A very comprehensive site, even for non-medical type responders.

FEMA’s Emergency Response to Terrorism (self-study)

FEMA Learning Space
You must log-in to the FEMA Learning Space. A 10-hour course designed to provide the basic awareness training to prepare first responders to respond to incidents of terrorism. Target Audience: Fire, emergency medical, incident command and law enforcement responders.

Center for National Response
The CNR is a flexible WMD training complex that provides multi-scenario exercises for the military or joint operations with military and first responders.

EAI Corporation
Provides homeland security and incident response training.


U.S. Army Chemical School

Incident Response Training Department (IRTD)
Fort Leonard Wood has capability to do live agent training.

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense


U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
In-Resident: “Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties Course (MMCBC).” The course is designed for Medical Corps and Nurse Corps officers, physician assistants, and Medical Service Corps officers (good for Public Health and BEEs too).

Free WebCast or purchased DVD: “Field Identification of Biological Warfare Agents” and “Advanced Topics on Medical Defense against Biological & Chemical Agent– 6 part series,” which includes six 2-hour parts on (1) Smallpox: Recognition & Response, (2) Advanced Management of Nerve Agent & Sulfur Mustard Casualties, (3) Vaccines against Biological Warfare Agents, (4) Chemical Threat Agents: The Community Provider’s Perspective, (5) Toxins as Biological Warfare & Terrorism Agents, (6) Chemical Threat Agents.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Training Network (PHTN)
The PHTN is a distance learning network with webcast and distance learning capabilities. They have offered courses on WMD topics such as SARS, small pox, chemical agents, and radiological incidents.

American Veterinary Medical Association Disaster Preparedness and Response Program

Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams (VMAT)
Information on animals in disaster and agroterrorism and the Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams (VMAT).


Defense Nuclear Weapons School
DNWS provides multiple courses on nuclear and radiological responses. DNWS also provides a few courses on WMD response.

Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Offers “Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation Course,” and provides a link to resources on nuclear and radiological casualties.

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REACTS)
Provides an on-line course “Guidance for Radiation Accident Management” and links to available radiation training.

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